Rachel Harris and Polina Dessiatnitchenko will be presenting their work as part of a panel titled “Maqam Creativity on the Borders: Musical Alternatives to the Nation-State” at the upcoming SEM 2024 annual conference held online! This panel, organized by Polina and chaired by Denise Gill (Stanford University), will also feature presentations by Banu Senay (Macquarie University) and Munir Gur (Stanford University).

Different case studies from Central Asia, the Mediterranean, Anatolia, and the Caucasus, will highlight how practitioners of classical music work across the borders of national cultures. The session is scheduled to take place on October 19, 2024, 10:00am – 12:00pm (EDT). More information about the panel and individual presentations can be found here – SEM 2024 Annual Meeting

The order and titles of all presentations in the session are as follows: 

“Border Listening with Central Asian Maqam Musicians” Rachel Harris (SOAS, University of London)

“Musical Intimacy, Model Citizenship, and Sufism in the Life of Niyazi Sayın” Banu Senay (Macquarie University)

“Makam Across Greece and Turkey: Identity, Belonging, and History” Munir Gur (Stanford University)

“The Legacy of Hajibaba Huseynov and Musical Imagination Across the Azerbaijan-Iran Border” Polina Dessiatnitchenko (Waseda University)

