



Post Tagged with: "Ottaman"

  • Strand 3: Neo-Ottomanism and maqām revival

     Giovanni De Zorzi This strand concerns the revival of Ottoman art music and Sufi-inspired forms of spirituality in contemporary Turkey. Under the Turkish Republic, Ottoman art music underwent a long period of neglect, Sufi lodges were closed, and their musical ceremonies prohibited. Since the 1980s, the revival of Ottoman culture has become a major transnational trend. In the sphere of music, the revival process has involved the rediscovery of repertoires […]

  • Project Strands

    MAQĀM BEYOND NATION is designed in the form of six interlinked research strands based in different contact zones across the maqām world.  Strand 1: Maqām across the Soviet-Chinese divide  Rachel Harris, Giovanni De Zorzi, Mukaddas Mijit This strand aims at “unbordering” Central Asian maqām repertoires across the former Soviet-Chinese divide. It focuses on repertoires canonised in the twentieth century as the separate Uzbek and Tajik Shashmaqām, and the Uyghur Twelve […]
