Post Tagged with: "Khorezm"
Strand 1: Maqām across the Soviet-Chinese divide
Rachel Harris, Giovanni De Zorzi, Mukaddas Mijit This strand aims at “unbordering” Central Asian maqām repertoires across the former Soviet-Chinese divide. It focuses on repertoires canonised in the twentieth century as the separate Uzbek and Tajik Shashmaqām, and the Uyghur Twelve Muqam, and also less recognised regional maqām traditions from Khorezm, Ferghana and Turpan. Since the mid-twentieth century these repertoires have been extensively nationalised, and the overwhelming thrust of scholarship, […]
Project Strands
MAQĀM BEYOND NATION is designed in the form of six interlinked research strands based in different contact zones across the maqām world. Strand 1: Maqām across the Soviet-Chinese divide Rachel Harris, Giovanni De Zorzi, Mukaddas Mijit This strand aims at “unbordering” Central Asian maqām repertoires across the former Soviet-Chinese divide. It focuses on repertoires canonised in the twentieth century as the separate Uzbek and Tajik Shashmaqām, and the Uyghur Twelve […]