



Post Tagged with: "Uzbekistan"

  • International Maqom Festival, June 26-28, 2024, Uzbekistan

    Rachel Harris and Saeid Kordmafi attended Uzbekistan’s 2nd International Maqom Festival which was held in Zomin province, in the Jizzakh region of southeastern Uzbekistan. They presented papers at the Maqom Art Conference, organised by the Yunus Rajabi Institute as part of the festival, alongside colleagues from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, France and the US. Rachel Harris spoke on the historical, religious and musical connections between the maqām traditions of Uzbekistan’s Fergana Valley, […]

  • A Lecture/workshop in the Yunus Rajabi Institute, Tashkent

    On 13 October 2023, Dr Saeid Kordmafi gave a talk at the Uzbek National Institute of Musical Art named after Yunus Rajabi. Delivered to the teaching staff and students of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan in Tashkent (Uzbek maqam masters and apprentices), this talk gave an introduction to classical Iranian music and briefly explored historical interconnectedness among maqam-based traditions across the Islamic world. The session was chaired by the great performer, composer and […]

  • Field trip in Uzbekistan / Sept 2024

    Dr. Saeid Kordmafi conducted one-month fieldwork from September to October 2023 in Uzbekistan, as an integral component of his engagement in the “Maqam Beyond Nation” project. Delving into the rich musical culture of Central Asia, Dr. Kordmafi travelled to various cities across Uzbekistan, including Bukhara, Samarkand, Fergana, and Tashkent, engaging with esteemed music institutes and master musicians of the venerable traditions of maqam. This field trip was underpinned by a […]
